The Bible - it's a big book when you're looking through it for something written specifically to and for you.

The Bible Draft is a fun and creative way to connect your experiences, thoughts, and feelings directly to the words of Scripture. Played similar to the format of a fantasy football league with the commeraderie among players in your league, the creativity of team names, and the personalization of Scripture passages just for you, the Bible Draft is a worthwhile challenge for those who have never opened the Bible before as well as for anyone else at any stage in the journey.

AoB 2028 Deacon Formation Class Begins 2024 Bible Draft!

To the participants of the AoB 2028 Deacon Formation Class Bible Draft - may you be turned to fertile soil as the Word of God is cast richly into your hearts and minds in this, your Bible Draft! With great confidence, Bible Draft prays for joy in your discovery and encounter of our Lord in the wisdom of and pages of Scripture! “All Scripture is inspired by God … that the man of God may be complete …” - May you have all the grace necessary for this journey!

Reflection Spotlight
The Power of words

Proverbs 13:2-3
2 From the fruit of the mouth one enjoys good things, but from the throat of the treacherous comes violence.
3 Those who guard their mouths preserve themselves; those who open wide their lips bring ruin.

These verses remind me that words are not just merely words, they can be impactful containers that are often directly linked to good and bad moods that surface in conversations. The next time I become aware of my mood whether sad, happy or content, I'm going to stop and think about what I've been talking about and reflecting on. In some cases, I may need to be silent. I want to be more intentional about my conversations and wise with my words. I pray for God's help in discerning which conversations to enter into that will be a blessing to me and to others and which ones to stay away from for similar reasons.

Prayer Warriors